Echanges linguistiques

Kinder Exchange
Kinder Exchange
Kinder Exchange
Kinder Exchange
Kinder Exchange
Kinder Exchange

Welcome !

Would you like your child or teen to become bilingual ?

Kinder Exchange provides total French immersion exchanges  for teenager 11 to 18. We match up your teen with a French or spanish teen, with similar age, hobbies, and home environment. And off they go for an exchange! The youth take turns staying in each other’s home so they both get a chance to experience a new culture.

Swap your teen with another teen from France, Spain, Italy, Germany or another EU country ! We make sure that both teens are the same age, share the same hobbies, and have a similar home environment. It is a great way to learn a new language and experience a different culture. They will both stay with each other for the same length of time (for example, a French child would stay for a week with a child in Ireland or England, and then the Irish or English child would spend a week in France with the French child).

Would you like your child/teen to speak foreign languages and learn to be open-minded about other cultures ? Do you want your child to explore another country and participate in family life there ? Do you also wish to share your own culture and language with a child from abroad ?

If so, then you and your family are ready to embark on a language and cultural exchange program!

Kinder Exchange is a French exchange non-profit organization created in 2011. We match families from different countries in order to set up foreign language and cultural exchanges for their kids and teens.

Each teen travels and stays with his/her host family. We select families very carefully in order to ensure that the experience will be successful.

In addition, we aim to connect teens for their mutual benefit and enrichment. We put you in contact with hand-picked families, making sure that you share the same lifestyle and values. Also, teens are paired based on common interests, hobbies, and personality. This will make learning a foreign language so much easier for your child or teen!

As a result, our families will do their best to offer their guest child an engaging and rewarding experience. This hospitality will be reciprocated when their own child goes abroad. During the child’s stay, the host family will use their mother tongue whenever possible.

Our articles

What to expect from your Kinder Exchange

What to expect from your Kinder Exchange If you’ve never done it before, the process of organising your exchange might seem like a mammoth task; and the idea of finding the perfect family and location – nigh on impossible! This is why we try to make your planning your exchange as simple as possible by […]

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How to become bilingual ?

How to become bilingual ? Knowledge of a second language has become increasingly important for both personal and professional growth. Whether you are working for a multinational company or simply enjoy traveling and long to immerse yourself in different cultures, being bilingual offers a breadth of advantages. Celebrities like Bradley Cooper and Johny Depp, both […]

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Finding the perfect gift for your host family

Finding the perfect gift for your host family You’re fairly confident that you’re on track and organised for your exchange abroad. Plane tickets? Check! French phrase book? Check! Gift for your host family? Eh? Finding a gift for your host family is an important part of your exchange preparation. This gift doesn’t need to be […]

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